Fast Linear Inversion Package
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This is the first public release of the FLIPACK library.

Date: July 26th, 2013

Version 3.1 - First external release.

%% Copyleft 2013: Sivaram Ambikasaran, Ruoxi Wang, Peter Kitanidis and Eric Darve
%% Developed by Sivaram Ambikasaran, Ruoxi Wang
%% Contact: siva..nosp@m.1985.nosp@m.@gmai.nosp@m.l.co.nosp@m.m(Sivaram) , ruoxi.nosp@m.@sta.nosp@m.nford.nosp@m..edu (Ruoxi)
%% %% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of MPL2 license.
%% The Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not %% distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


./examples/     :   Example input C++ codes; Needed to read input from user or from input file.
./src/          :   Source code in C++
./header/       :   Relevant header files
./exec/         :   Executables for BBFMM2D
./input/        :   The input file.
./README.md     :   This file
./License.md    :   License file
./Makefile      :   Makefile  


  1. To run this package, you need to have Eigen and BBFMM2D.
    • Set Eigen:

      1). Download Eigen from here: http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page

      2). Create a directory named Codes/ inside the main Eigen folder and copy the directory FLIPACK/ into the directory Codes/.

      3). Open the Makefile, which is inside the folder FLIPACK. Ensure that you have included the path to Eigen in the line containing CFLAGS. For instance, in the above setting, the path "-I ./../../" should be included in the Makefile.

    • Set BBFMM2D:

      1). Download BBFMM2D from here http://sivaramambikasaran.github.io/BBFMM2D/

      2). Copy directory BBFMM2D/ inside of the directory Codes/.

  2. Once you have this set up, you should be able to run the code. Check whether the code runs by performing the following action. Go to the directory where Makefile is in, then key in the following three commands in the terminal:
     make get_matrix_through_routine_standard_kernel
     cd exec/

The code should now run.


The files you have control over are the files inside the directory ./examples/, read through the files both must be self explanatory for the most part.

  1. If you want to generate matrix through your own routine, and use the standard kernels:

    Go to /examples/, open "FLIPACK_get_matrix_through_routine_standard_kernel.cpp".

    • To generate matrix through routine:
      Change functions get_Location(), get_Measurement_Operator(), get_X() and get_nChebNode().
    • To use standard kernels:
      Select the kernel type in main().
      Options of kernels:
        LOGARITHM:          kernel_Logarithm
        ONEOVERR2:          kernel_OneOverR2  
        GAUSSIAN:           kernel_Gaussian  
        QUADRIC:            kernel_Quadric  
        INVERSEQUADRIC:     kernel_InverseQuadric  
        THINPLATESPLINE:    kernel_ThinPlateSpline  
  2. If you want to read matrix from file, and use standard kernels:

    Go to the folder /input/, put your input file inside of this folder.

    Go to the folder /examples/, open "FLIPACK_input_from_file_standard_kernel.cpp".

    • To change input filename:

      change the two lines in main():

        string filename_location_Htranpose = "./../input/test_Location_H.txt";  
        string filename_X_R_Measurements = "./../input/test_X_R_Measurements.txt";
    • To use standard kernels:

      The same step as described in 1.

  3. If you want to generate matrix through your own routine, and use your own kernel:

    Go to /examples/, open "FLIPACK_get_matrix_through_routine_mykernel.cpp".

    • To define your own kernel:
      Modify class myKernel.
    • To generate your matrix:
      The same step as described in 1.
  4. If you want to read matrix from file, and use your own kernel:

    Go to /examples/, open "FLIPACK_input_from_file_mykernel.cpp".

    • To define your own kernel:
      Modify class myKernel.
    • To change input filename:
      The same step as described in 2.
  5. If you want to read matrix from binary file, and use standard kernel:

    Go to /examples, open "FLIPACK_binary_file_standard_kernel.cpp".

    • To change input filename: change the following lines in main():
        string filenameMetadata         =   "../input/metadata.txt";  
        string filenameLocation         =   "../input/test_Location.bin";  
        string filenameH                =   "../input/test_H.bin";  
        string filenameX                =   "../input/test_X.bin";  
        string filenameR                =   "../input/test_R.bin";  
        string filenameMeasurement      =   "../input/test_Measurement.bin";  
    • To use standard kernel:

      The same step as described in 1.

  6. If you want to read matrix from binary file, and use your own kernel:

    Go to /examples/, open "FLIPACK_binary_file_mykernel.cpp".

    • To change the input filename:
      The same step as described in 5.
    • To define your own kernel:
      Modify class myKernel.


Go to /input/, you should put your own input files in the input folder. Donotes:

N:                  Number of unknowns  
m:                  Number of measurements  
p:                  Number of terms in the structure  
nMeasurementSet:    Number of measurement sets  


The file format is described as follows:


You should have seperate binary files for each matrix, and a text file containing metadata:

  1. A text file for meta data:

    The file format is:

     N, p, m, nMeasurementSet.  

    For example:

  2. A binary file for Location:

    Elements are stored this way(row-wise):

    loc0.x loc0.y  
    loc1.x loc1.y  
  3. Binary files for H matrix, X, R, Measurements respectively: The elements of each matrix should be stored in their own binary file row-wise.


Here we give an example: If you want to use "FLIPACK_input_from_file_standard_kernel.cpp"

  1. As stated earlier to run the code, go to the appropriate directory and key in the following:
     make input_from_file_standard_kernel
  2. Make sure you have changed or cleaned the .o files from previous compilation. To clean the irrelevant files, key in:
     make clean
  3. To tar the file, key in:
     make tar
  4. Read through the makefile for other options.

To run other .cpp files:

1). FLIPACK_get_matrix_through_routine_mykernel.cpp key in:

 make get_matrix_through_routine_mykernel

2). FLIPACK_get_matrix_through_routine_standard_kernel.cpp key in:

 make get_matrix_through_routine_standard_kernel

3). FLIPACK_input_from_file_mykernel.cpp key in:

 make input_from_file_mykernel

4). FLIPACK_binary_file_mykernel.cpp key in:

 make binary_file_mykernel  

5). FLIPACK_binary_file_standard_kernel.cpp key in:

 make binary_file_standard_kernel