Applied Statistics, July-November 2022


Note If you want to register for this course, you will need to contact the Academic section. The instructor has no role/say in enrolling students for the class.

What Applied Statistics

When Mondays @10 AM, Tuesdays @ 9AM, Wednesdays @ 8AM and Fridays @ 12 Noon

Where NAC 522 (Seminar Hall)

Instructor Sivaram Ambikasaran

Mailing list Search for 2022_appstat on google groups via your smail account

Exams and Grading

Evaluation Points
Short quizzes \(10\)
Midsem on September 18th, 10 AM to 1 PM \(40\)
EndSem \(50\)

Short quizzes

Have your solution file as pdf and name it as follows. If your roll number is AE02B034 and you are turning in Quiz 1, name the file as "AE02B034_1.pdf" (Note that your roll number has to be in caps). Any other format or naming will not be graded. Turn in your quizzes here.

Quiz 1

Quiz 2

Quiz 3

Quiz 4

Quiz 5

Quiz 6

Quiz 7

Quiz 8

Quiz 9

Quiz 10

Quiz 11

Office hours: Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 PM (Send an email before you drop by)

Short Syllabus


Other "random" stuff

George Burns on TV being interviewed on his 100th birthday: George Burns was puffing on a cigar and the interviewer made a comment about the negative correlation between longevity and smoking.
George Burns: "Twenty years ago my doctor told me that these cigars were going to kill me in the next five years with a probability of 99%"
Interviewer: "What does he say now?"
George Burns: "I don't know. He's dead"