Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing, July-November 2019
Credits 9 credits
When A slot (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Monday morning 8 AM slot will be used only as and when needed
Where New Academic Complex, Room 505
Sivaram Ambikasaran,
Office hours: By appointment at NAC 648
Teaching Assistant
Vaishnavi, Office hours: Tuesdays 2 PM to 4 PM @ Room 621, NAC
Assignments |
Quiz-I |
Quiz-II |
Endsem |
\(30\) |
\(15\) |
\(15\) |
\(40\) |
- All assignments due on Sundays before 5 PM.
- Late assignments will be marked zero.
- There will be both written and computational part in the assignments.
- Students need to submit their assignments in IPython/Jupyter notebooks through the dropbox link provided.
- The name of the Jupyter notebook should be as follows: ma14m093_5.ipynb, where ma14m093 is your roll number and 5 implies that you are submitting your fifth assignment.
- Students need to submit their assignments in IPython/Jupyter notebooks through the dropbox link provided.
- Any copying on assignments will result in a zero on the assignment.
- We will be using JPlag to detect similarities among multiple sets of source code files.
- The grader will expect you to express your ideas clearly, legibly, and completely, often requiring complete English sentences rather than merely just a long string of equations or unconnected mathematical expressions. This means you could lose points for poorly written proofs or answers. Clear exposition is a crucial ingredient of technical communication. Clarity of thought and presentation is more important in mathematics & sciences than any other field. The only way to master exposition is by repeated practicing.
Assignment Grade
Assignment Grades
Assignment Submission
Assignment 1 due August 11
Assignment 2 due August 18
Assignment 3 due September 25
Assignment 4 due October 2
Assignment 5 due October 9
Assignment 6 due October 20
Assignment 7 due November 13
Assignment 8 due November 13
Practice Final
First class will be on Jul 29, 2019, Monday.
Below is a tentative calendar, which will be updated as we make progress in the course.
Week |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Assignment |
Week-I |
Lecture - 1 |
Lecture - 2 |
Lecture - 3 |
Week-II |
Week-III |
Week-IV |
Week-V |
Week-VI |
Week-VII |
Week-VIII |
Week-IX |
Week-X |
Week-XI |
Week-XII |
Week-XIII |
Short Syllabus
Floating point arithmetic and accuracy estimation, root finding, interpolation and approximation, quadratures, Monte Carlo methods
- Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing - Volume \(I\), by Germund Dahlquist & Ake Bjorck
- Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice, by Nick Trefethen
- Interpolation and Approximation by Polynomials, by George M. Phillips
- Spectral Methods in MATLAB, by Nick Trefethen
- Exploring Monte Carlo Methods, by William L. Dunn & J. Kenneth Shultis
- Fundamentals of Engineering Numerical Analysis, by Parviz Moin
Exam |
Date |
Quiz-I |
September \(9\), Monday |
Quiz-II |
October \(14\), Monday |
End Term |
November \(15\), Friday |