Computer Modelling and Simulation, January-April 2019
When Q Slot; Mondays and Wednesdays 6PM to 7:15PM
Where NAC 506
Sivaram Ambikasaran,
Office hours: Fix timings via email,
Office: NAC 648
Teaching assistant
Office hours: Thursdays from 5 PM to 6 PM
Office: Research Scholar Room, NAC 623
- Spectral Methods in MATLAB, by Lloyd N. Trefethen
The lecture material and the relevant code for the class is made available through GitHub
Evaluation |
Assignments |
Points |
100 |
There will be \(14\) assignments due weekly. Assignment will be posted on this website and will be due on Sunday by 5 PM. Late Submission will not be accepted. Each assignment will have a good share of computational exercises in Python. Students need to submit their assignments in IPython/Jupyter notebooks through the dropbox link provided. The name of the Python notebook should be as follows: ma14m003.ipynb, where ma14m003 is your roll number. We will be using JPlag to detect similarities among multiple sets of source code files. No collaboration is allowed for assignment. In case of a significant match among/between assignments, you will get a zero on the assignment.
The grader will expect you to express your ideas clearly, legibly, and completely, often requiring complete English sentences rather than merely just a long string of equations or unconnected mathematical expressions. This means you could lose points for poorly written proofs or answers. Clear exposition is a crucial ingredient of communication. Clarity of thought and presentation is more important in mathematics & sciences than any other field. The only way to master exposition is by repeated practicing.
Reading material
A very rough calendar, which will be updated as we progress through the course.